Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Welcome To Agriculture & Organic Farming Group India

Welcome To Agriculture & Organic Farming Group India

AOFG India is a network of community based grassroot level development organizations, farmers associations, farmer federations, farmer limiteds and rural NGOs. We work with small and marginal farmer collectives and indigenous communities in the rain-fed, mountain slope farming and shifting cultivation areas.
AOFG India educated, empower and organize the rural communities for self reliance, poverty reduction and economic growth. We promote farmer groups, associations and farmer inspired and farmer owned producer companies for quality production, value addition, storage and marketing. One of our slogans is “Farm to Board Room” and decision making by farmers themselves.
Quality extension services are provided to farmers on organic farming, fair trade, certification, entrepreneurship for rural development, natural resource management and conservation of agricultural ecology and biodiversity. Agro-bio diversity and livelihood options for poverty reductions are addressed and promoted through farmer limiteds. Farmer field schools provide a new direction of quality production, reduction of post harvest loss and competitive marketing.
We promote empowerment of women and reduction of household debts by facilitating Self Help Groups, micro credits (savings and loans) and family farming activities. Integration of family farming activities in a specific geographical area are providing assured quantitative production of crops for localized value addition and marketing opportunities.
We value location specific traditional knowledge and practices which are documented and disseminated in the interest of farmers as best low cost package of practices.
AOFG India have offices at New Delhi, Hyderabad, Kochi and Calicut as well as field offices at Nedumkandam, Pushpagiri, Adimali (Idukki District), Puttad, Wayanadu District, Amaravati and Kagaznagar.
We solicit enquiries from genuine fairtrade and organic companies as well as small farmer organizations.

1 comment:

  1. Im an agricultural consultant wish to be a member of your group

    Ahamed kabeer
